What? Was that June 30th that just FLEW RIGHT BY? Lucky for us, FALL LINES is FLEXIBLE!


At Jasper, we know how hard it is to keep deadlines in our headlights and out of our rearview mirrors!

And while we are thrilled with both the quantity and quality of the submissions we’ve received this summer, we have no reason not to take a deep breath and invite our beloved SC wordsmiths to do the same, take pen in hand once again, and send us even more poetry and prose for Fall Lines volume IX.

That’s right, you have until July 5th midnight to send us your first batch of work if the deadline passed you by.

OR, if you scrambled to get your submissions in on time, we invite you to send us another batch to double your chances of being published this year.

Same rules as the first time around - just an extended deadline.

How’s that for independence?

We Got Your Fall Lines Submission Guidelines Right Here.