Closing Reception for Nikolai Oskolkov's Art Exhibit at Motor Supply

Thursday, October 28th at 5 pm

Motor Supply

Friends and Patrons! Come out to Motor Supply restaurant downtown Columbia upcoming Thursday for an informal drop-in closing and art the artist, order a drink or two from the bar and check out a large selection of NikO Art currently on display...Blessings and Inspiration to all and see y'all soon!

As Niko has returned from a recent trip to his homeland he has this to say:

“The recent trip to Russia is as always nostalgic, which is an emotion that is very dear to me.. .it is where my roots are, memories of childhood, when life is naturally brighter, more colorful, happier, so its always very healthy to revisit...the nature and people there are very close to the heart, even though Carolina has always been a great home, with many loving caring people who love art and music and allow artists a practical opportunity to develop and express themselves in any way they see fit for themselves...”

About this exhibition of his work at Motor Supply:

“The show is passively thematic...meaning it has a fairly benign focus on landscapes and scenes of our South Carolina, and the place that enchants me quite a lot...Venice...I am absolutely in love with Venice and love to revisit it through painting so I can possess it with sight and I can extend my time there...The advantages of a restaurant setting is of course the traffic of new fans and potential patrons is more regular, and that it doesn't have to be anyone looking for fine art in particular, so they can be surprised and truly inspired, instead of looking for inspiration or art intentionally, and feeling unsophisticated or inadequate when visiting an often exclusive, lofty commercial fine art galleries...I believe art is for EVERYONE...”